Zombies and Purpose

Zombies and purpose. What do zombies and purpose have in common? Much. Especially when we’re talking about preparing for the zombie apocalypse. For those of you in disbelief about zombies, hold onto that and maybe forget the zombies, but keep the apocalypse. If we’re to get ready for this brain-munching finale, we don’t have much time and we have everything to lose. So, where do we start in getting prepared?

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it. Every athlete exercises self-control in all things. They do it to receive a perishable wreath, but we an imperishable. So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.” — I Corinthians 9:24–27

Establish a goal. Without a goal, you have no way of measuring how close you are to achieving that. Also, if your goal is too lofty or vague, then you have no way of achieving it and evaluation once again is out the door. So, pick something defined and achievable.

Be disciplined. You’ve got survival to train for and no one’s going to do it for you. If you want it, you have to put in the work to get it. Then again, if you really want it, you’re probably out there working toward it now. Do it. What’s the holdup?

Find a training partner. Maybe two or three, but find people to help you achieve your goal and make you accountable to that end. Sure, you could do it on your own, but training works best with someone else there to help push you forward.

It’s not about you. You have to help your training partner as well. You can’t just ignore their survival in the training process, otherwise they won’t stick around. No, you have to help them along the way as well. You’re in it together, remember that fact.

“And he humbled you and let you hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, that he might make you know that man does not live by bread alone, but man lives by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.” — Deuternomy 8:3

Get your head straight. In those last days, when all you see around you are mindless corpses, what will you have to hold onto? What is keeping you through till the end? If we are not also training and fortifying our minds with ultimate truth, then we are dooming ourselves now.

Pray hard. Similarly to the mind, we must also have a ledge to cling onto for our souls in the end. Our innermost part must have a foothold, otherwise it’s destined to go crashing down the rock face taking us along with it. Therefore, we must keep it in contact with the only One who can sustain a soul throughout eternity. We don’t know how long those final days will last, but we have to be prepared to endure.

We’ve been in the last days for some time now and I see people all around growing weary of waiting. We are lulled into a slumber as if those days in which we’re living are never going to come. They’re here. We’re living them now. I talk about zombie apocalypse, but these steps, these points are for any apocalypse, including that micrp-apocalypse we casually call death. If we are not preparing ourselves daily for that, then we will not make it. If we are not mind, body and soul prepared for these last days, we have doomed ourselves to die. Friends, that’s a gruesome death. None of us wants that. So, let’s get training.

— July 12, 2012