Worn and Tattered, but Praising

I feel worn this morning. It’s been a rough week for this journeyer, friends. I’d like to share more about it with y’all, but there’s some wisdom in withholding certain details when your life is as intricately interwoven as mine currently is. That being said, I’m tired and I’ve had a rough week. Emotionally, I’m raw as the week draws to a close and there are some bigger life changes I am on the cusp of making. All this makes an already cold morning, bitter to these frail bones. But, worn as I may be, I want only to do that which doesn’t make sense to me right now. Though worn, I want to shout God’s praises from a mountaintop.

“I waited patiently for the Lord; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord.” — Psalm 40:1–3

The song of the worn

It’s when we feel most worn down, beaten, crushed that we need God the most. It’s when I least feel like lifting my heart above the ground which feels ever closer that I need to do so more than usual. Because, it’s when we face adversity and trials that it is easiest to shut down and try to lick our wounds. Maybe we cry out in desperation, but I often couple that with walling myself off from the world. But, look at the words of the psalmist above.

Singing a new song

Our anguish is turned to praise. Yes, we suffer. But that suffering is not without hope. It is not without the knowledge of the forthcoming. Our darkness is turned light. No longer can we suffer in silence, because our suffering has purpose, though we may not understand it yet. It has meaning. But the purpose and meaning is derived from the Good Shepherd. He is tending His flock, carefully grooming them, watching over us. We are allowed to suffer because God is good, not because we are being tortured.

Worn out praise

It’s on the brink of rescue from my pit that I cannot help but praise my God before you. I’ve been allowed to suffer this week because my Father wants more for me. He wants me to keep pressing on and I am a stubborn son. But, I cannot tell you even now how good He is. I would only defame His love if I began to describe how cared for I feel right now. This may not make any sense to you, but God is. Everything that He’s ever claimed to be, He is. I wish you could experience this with me.

I don’t know where you’re at today, but praise God for it. Maybe you’re worn, frayed, but there is joy to be found in your current state. Wherever you find yourself at this very moment, it is a precious gift tailor made for you. Your Father has hand made each individually for you, His precious child. It’s important that we take a step back and see things more from His point of view every once in a while and say thanks. God is good. It’s time for us all to recognize that for ourselves.

— March 21, 2013