Why Jesus Is a Terrible Leader for Millennials

It’s been a really long time since I last posted, I’m sorry. In all honesty, life’s gotten busy and I haven’t managed my priorities well. But enough about me and onto Jesus. There’s been a lot of talk in the Church over the concern about what I will call the “millennial exodus.” Millennials have been leaving the Church en masse, and few people seem to have a clue what to do about it. I’m not saying I do, but I’d like to offer some conjecture as to why Jesus is problematic to my age demographic.

Jesus isn’t safe

When so many of the institutions we were taught to obey and believe in have unapologetically left us in the dust, you just have Jesus standing there in the Gospels saying, “Come, follow Me.” And why? Who are you? What certainty do I have that you won’t abandon me like the economy, my government, maybe even my family structure? Huh?

Jesus is suffering

On top of the failing of much of the social bedrock on which we were taught to rely, Jesus promises in various different quotations that following Him will lead to hardship, trials, pain, suffering. This is not music to the millennial ear. We’ve seen enough unhappiness. Please, no more. We millennials just want to be happy for a change.

Jesus promises in various different quotations that following Him will lead to hardship, trials, pain, suffering.

Jesus doesn’t offer much certainty

If your upbringing was anything like mine, we millennials were taught to do good and obey the rules. You see, that doesn’t cut it with Jesus. We can’t just do good and get into heaven. And why not? That works for the rest of society and my life. What makes Jesus so special? What does He require? This is too much, how can I be expected to remember and do all this?

Perhaps I’m making a mountain out of a molehill, but following Jesus, actually being a Christian and living the “Christian” life is in significant conflict with my millennial ideals. But as I look back over this post, I can’t help but ask “isn’t that the point?” Isn’t that what keeps me dancing along the tension of being drawn in and repelled all at once? Isn’t it His love and goodness that He has shown me time and again that keeps me hoping and believing that He might actually follow through on the promise that His love is worth the crap that has been and will come. But what do you think, friend?

— April 3, 2014