Resolutions for the New Year

Now that it’s the first Monday of the year, last year seems pretty firmly in the past. Not that I’d want to travel back, but for some reason there’s a finality that this morning brought. With that being said, I hope you had a wonderful New Year’s Eve and the past few days have brought you hope for this new year. Now I’d like to talk about resolutions and share with you mine.

Resolutions, resolutions, resolutions

I’m not entirely sure why, but we seem to love making and breaking New Year’s resolutions in this country. Yes, there was a hint of cynicism in that last sentence, I’m sorry I couldn’t help myself. Resolutions seem to give us something to focus on, a direction, a heading. I don’t like the idea of failure, so I’ve avoided making resolutions like the plague. Maybe it’s because I myself lacked direction for so long and I knew that I would only end up failing, disappointed.

Resolutions for a direction

In spite of myself, last year I resolved to change the world. No, we’re not talking “start a revolution” kind of world change. I mean, change the microcosm that is my everyday life variety of changing the world. Really, it was a plan to make a plan. The scary thing is I realized that I succeeded last year. What succeeded wasn’t the plan to make a plan, and it certainly wasn’t the plan, but what was at the root of it. See, you can’t change the world without direction. And that’s where most resolutions fail. This is where (unless I cast direction to the wind) I was unlikely to fail. But the success came from deeper.

How can a young man keep his way pure?
By guarding it according to your word.
With my whole heart I seek you;
let me not wander from your commandments!
I have stored up your word in my heart,
that I might not sin against you.
Blessed are you, O Lord;
teach me your statutes!
With my lips I declare
all the rules of your mouth.
In the way of your testimonies I delight
as much as in all riches.
I will meditate on your precepts
and fix my eyes on your ways.
I will delight in your statutes;
I will not forget your word.
-Psalm 119:9–16

Resolutions and seadrift

Resolutions are all about where we root our direction. This year, I resolved to know God more intimately, love Him more completely, and be more fully who He has made me to be. This year, I think I’ll succeed again. This year, I’ve rooted my hope, my resolutions, in Him. While the tempests and squalls may beat mercilessly on me over this next year, I know that my direction is secured as I have anchored in the bedrock that is God. I don’t expect to sail straight from points A to B, but I know He will not allow me to get lost. Not completely.

What are your resolutions, friend? Where are those hopes, dreams, and desires rooted? Do you set yourself up for failure, or are you plotting a course that will lead you to the golden shores of love and grace? Happy New Year, and happy Monday, friend.

— January 6, 2014