Overcast Like the Weather

I am not happy right now…it’s 3:00 and I was really looking forward to just sitting back for a few minutes and blogging to my heart’s content. However, I have a lab in 15 minutes where I have to give a presentation on risk mitigation. Here’s risk mitigation for you, don’t make me give this presentation right now and no one gets hurt haha. So, I’m on my fourth cup of coffee and I’m fighting exhaustion desperately. The worst part is that I need to get some real work done on this group project today as it’s crunch time and I don’t have much time in the end of the week, as in zero Thursday on.
On the brighter side of things, going through my bible study for this week I realized that I do not question God’s ability to take care of my needs, but His steadfast devotion to taking care of all my needs. I have allowed my needs to be ignored, forgotten for so long, that I just don’t trust God to truly care about them all the time, just like anyone else. I humanize Him way too much and He is far greater than a mere mortal of any kind. Boo to me.
I have the song “I’m Not Who I Was” by Brandon Heath stuck in my head. Time for lab, so I’ll get to that later I suppose.

— February 16, 2009