I’ve Done the Unthinkable

I’ve had conversations with people about how ludicrously stupid, self-absorbed and pointless I think it is, yet I today caved and created a Twitter account. I never thought it would come to this, but it most certainly has. I don’t think this to be a sign of the apocalypse, but it’s definitely not all that far off haha. I plan on posting much more in the coming day or two, but this will have to suffice for now. Yes, I am alright and no, my head is screwed on no more loosely than at any other time in my life, but today is a new and glorious day even with the drizzle and overcast sky above me. At the moment, I’m trying to take inventory of all the gifts I’ve been whelmed by and yet overlook on a daily basis. Forgive me Lord for my shortsightedness. Oh look, the sun’s come out =)…

— June 11, 2009