I Dub This Two-Post Thursday

I definitely did not expect to make a second post pretty much ever, but especially not today with how busy today was and how tired I feel right now. Yet, here I am once more.
I may have mentioned that I love music, well today was another example of why. So, I help set up the sound system for Agape as I mentioned earlier today. While the band was practicing and Mike and I were equalizing the sound, it hit me. As much as I don’t like the actual physical setting up process of lugging heavy equipment in and out of cars and setting up all the equipment, I love just hearing the music and watching the band, particularly Brian, just really give their all in the worship. To see them just singing and/or playing their heart out in front of over 100 people energizes me in a way few things can. As tired as I knew I was, I couldn’t help but just be ecstatic and overflowing with joy. This is why I love music.

— February 13, 2009