For His Steadfast Love Endures Forever

It’s been a really long time since I last blogged. Forgive me, friends. I’d completely intended to post after spending a morning reading through the words above “for His steadfast love endures forever,” twenty-six times throughout Psalm 136. For perspective, there are only twenty-six verses in the psalm. A few days later, I come across Psalm 138, which references this very same phrase. God is trying to tell me something. God is trying to tell us all something about His love.

steadfast love was

As scientists have just recently used gravitational waves in space to further prove and understand the Big Bang, I’m reminded that God’s steadfast love has been there since, well, before the beginning. Before you and I were born, He was, and He created us with His very hands. (Psalm 139:13) Yes, He made us and He loved us even then.

steadfast love is

I dare you to read through Psalm 136 and tell me that God’s steadfast love isn’t present today. I dare you to tell me that God’s love isn’t true through every trial you face today. Tell me that His love isn’t bigger or stronger than any fear or obstacle. I dare you.

steadfast love will be

God’s steadfast love will always win. His love has been winning since the dawn of time. It pulled Daniel out of the lions’ den, raised Jesus from the grave, and gave us people like Mother Teresa. It will continue to shine a light through the darkness of hardship and pain. God’s love will see us each through everything that will come our way. But that is just the nature of the word “steadfast.”

God’s steadfast love is just that: always has been, always will be. There is nothing that can overshadow His love. There is nothing that can loose us from His everlasting embrace. We are loved. You are loved. And that love will be with you forever and ever. Be loved, friend.

— March 19, 2014