Encouragement for the Start of a New Week

Where does this Monday morning find you, friend? Are you tired? Are you weary? Are you reaching the end of your rope? Are you frazzled already? Are you stressed? Could you use a little encouragement?

I woke up this morning and the topic I’d chosen yesterday just didn’t seem to fit anymore. Instead of sharing with you my opinion on some piece of theology, or telling you what I’m learning, I just want to offer a little encouragement as we start our weeks. Maybe you don’t find yourself in any of the conditions I listed above, but I know my soul could use the reminder of a few truths, and I know I’m not the only one.

God still reigns

Though it may not seem so right now, God is still firmly in control of the universe. He is sovereign over all, capable of handling the details great and small.

God loves you more than you’ll ever know

God’s love for you is fiercer than a hurricane, more vast than the cosmos. He is whispering to you even now how much He loves you, how proud He is of you. Of all that He has created, you are His pride and joy.

God cares intimately

Our Father cares about the smallest, tiniest details of our lives. He cares about those little hurts that we incur throughout the day. He cares about our disappointments and our triumphs. He is right there in it all. And it’s because He loves you that much.

I want to keep this encouragement short, friend. I know it’s not an exhaustive list. But it’s meant to be a start. It’s meant to maybe point you back toward the God of Love we find all throughout the Bible. There, you can find encouragement in whatever you need. There, you will find the strength for whatever your day may throw at you. There is where I not only find encouragement, but hope. Happy Monday, friend.

— September 30, 2013