Doors Open

Doors open. Suddenly, in creeps the light into the stale darkness. It dares only make a brief foray into the vacuous unknown as if to survey. Trusting it won’t be murdered by what lurks in the shadows, the light ventures further, inch by inch until the darkness is dispelled and light overtakes what once fought for obscurity. This victory proves momentary, as the door is closed in a fury and darkness overpowers the timid intruder.

God is good. He gives us opportunities in a manner that does not torture us, but allows us to grow and appreciate those opportunities more than we could have were they immediately available to us. However, once doors are opened, He gives us a choice to trust Him and walk through or stay put. These doors don’t stay opened forever.

Doors are fleeting. When a door is opened in life, it is but fleeting. When we see the door easing from the frame, we have the opportunity to take the door, or hesitate, allowing its time to pass and watch it closed once again.

False doors. Of course, we run the risk of false doors. We can commit to a door before sufficiently investigating and run the risk of plunging to our proverbial death because of our haste. This isn’t my problem.

Labor of love. My problem is a love of labor. I love to deliberate and then analyze how I deliberate until I’ve reasoned myself into a hole darker than the room in which I feel trapped and I become frantic. Yet, in my flurry of activity, I doubt even my most trusted senses and by the time I regain the sense I had, I am left cold, dark, alone.

Was man meant to be left in such a state? I can’t imagine so. In fact, I can’t believe so. This goes back to a fundamental trust that God is good. This is truly my hangup. I get stuck on Romans 3:12 where Paul says that no one is good, not even one. I impute this also to God, decontextualizing this verse and ignoring the words of Jesus in Mark 10:18 who says that none is good but God.

Opportunities are only available to us briefly. We have a choice to leap or stay. Whatever we choose, we need to do so knowing we diligently sought God’s wisdom in the process, but without tarrying. As for me, I’ll be walking through a door that takes me onto a plane headed for Europe for a couple weeks. Where will your door lead you? If it’s open, I pray you’ll not hesitate. If there isn’t, fear not, doors open.

— August 30, 2012